Saturday, May 10, 2014

Reading Journal #1 -- Flipped Learning

A flipped classroom is something we hear about today and how we can shape our classroom, but in reality it is not flipped classrooms but flipped learning.  There are many complaints about doing it because the term has been used wrong. Teachers has been using flipped classrooms since the 1950s, but never really called it that all it is, is using more modern technology in classrooms. A class is where to get help and home is where they practice and that is the same as a flipped classroom just with more modern technology used. The video system in a flipped learning environment is not to give instruction, but to create engagement in the student’s deeper learning. We need to learn how to apply flipped learning well in our classroom and not just put all lectures in video because if they are boring in class then they are more boring on video. We need to be able to use the flipped learning style in the right way because in each classroom the flipped learning will look different.  A flipped classroom, flipped learning, is not different from a traditional classroom it still contains the same important elements relationships, content, and curiosity.

As a future educator I have always wonder why flipped classroom or in this article flipped learning? I myself am behind on technology and am not a fan of it, but if that what is takes for my students I would consider it. I would use some of the concepts that a flipped learning environment has and mix it with a traditional classroom setting. I would try to implement both concepts and it is a worthwhile talking about it because we are in a modern world where most of the students are growing in knowledge with technology. It is  very important topic because our students need the best of learning and gaining knowledge and we should adjust to our students needs in order for them to strive. 

Bergmann, J., Sams, A. (2014). Copyright law and technology. Learning and Leading with Technology. 41 (7), 18-23

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